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Posts tagged ‘Fruit Recipes For Kids’

Fruit Recipes For Kids: A Makeover To Unhealthy Treats!

ImageFruits and kids aren’t usually best friends… while they love you if you give them chocolates or ice cream, when it comes to fruits, kids will turn their noses up at quite a few. But then it is not really difficult to give children fruits in alternate forms that they not only have but also like!

Wondering how? Read on…fruit Recipes for Kids

Fruits, like vegetables are natural, taste good and are full of nutrition and health. And for all those times when your kid just refuses to have fruits as they are here are 3 easy to make kid-pleasers with fruits!

#1 Homemade fruit gummies
For this you will need:

Image•Freshly squeezed or extracted fruit juice (orange, pear, pineapple, apple, strawberries) – 2 cups

•Unflavoured gelatine – according to package directions.

Take 1 cup of the juice mix in a bowl and add the gelatine and let it soak through. Now warm the other cup f juice, pour over the gelatine-juice mix. Stir to dissolve and then pour into silicone moulds. Leave it for an hour in the fridge to set.

Now time for another a somewhat more filling recipe – a smoothie. Kids actually like smoothie as long as they look pretty exotic and not green! So here’s one you should try out. And it has healthy benefits as well…

#2 Berry Smoothie to keep flu at bay!

ImageThis smoothie is a lovely purplish-red in color so kids will never guess all the healthy stuff that goes in it! Most of the ingredients are packed with nutrition that keep your kid healthy and keep flu away from him. So, first to the ingredients:

•Mixed frozen berries – 1 cup
•Pomegranate juice – 1 cup
•Fresh kale – 1 cup
•Flax seed – 1 tbsp.

Place all the ingredients in a high speed blender and pulverise everything till you get a smooth mix. If you are worried about the kale in there, don’t be… You cannot tell from either the look or taste of it!

Give your kids two glasses of this super healthy immune building smoothie a day! But smoothies are known to be healthy – now we have something that isn’t usually considered to be healthy. But we’ve given it a complete makeover and made it super easy to make and tasty and healthy for your kids! What we’re talking about is ice

#3 Easy and Healthy Ice cream for kids

ImageWe’ve actually got 2 recipes here. They are made much the same way – just place all the ingredients in the blender and blend till you get a smooth mix. Pour into an airtight container, put the lid on and place in the freezer for about an hour. Then serve!

The ingredients we are about to mention make about 2 servings of each flavour. So if you want more, just scale up the ingredients and make more!

First flavor – Banana and Peanut Butter
•Peanut butter – 2 tbsp.
•Frozen banana – 1 ½
•Chocolate flavoured milk, soy milk, or normal dairy milk – 2-3 tbsps.

And for the fruit treat – Raspberry treat!

•Frozen raspberries – ½ cup
•Frozen banana – 1 ½
•Greek yogurt (vanilla flavoured or add a few drops of vanilla) – 1/3 cup

There you go – two yummy ice cream recipes your kids will love – and with none of the unhealthy calories or sugar of store bought ice cream!]


Kids aren’t difficult to please when you know how – and getting them to eat fruits is really as simple as whipping up a few easy but innovative treats that not just attract them but also taste good. So, try out these fruit recipes for kids and watch them devour them!

Health of a child is in parents hand.  Child health is based on regular care by parents. Thats why parents should be know all child health tips.